
2nd Roma Biennale Berlin 2021

16.5.21 - 13:00 bis 15:00 Uhr

(english version below)

Widerstandstag der Sinti* und Roma*

#Widerstand & Resilienz

Am 16. Mai erinnern wir an den Aufstand der Sinti* und Roma* im sog. „Z-Familienlager“ von Auschwitz-Birkenau und feiern ihre Kraft, Widerstand gegen das NS-Regime zu leisten – trotz der scheinbar aussichtslosen Bedingungen und Erschöpfung. Am 16. Mai 1944 beschloss die SS, das Lager zu schließen und alle Häftlinge in Gaskammern zu ermorden. Doch die Insassen griffen zu improvisierten Waffen und verbarrikadierten sich in ihren Baracken. Die SS, vermutlich aus Angst vor einem Massenaufstand im gesamten KZ, brach die Aktion ab. Wenige Wochen später wurden etwa 3.000 starke Männer und Frauen in andere Lager transportiert, bevor am 2. August 1944 der erneute Versuch unternommen wurde, das Lager zu „liquidieren“. Dank dieses einmaligen Akts des Widerstands konnten viele Leben gerettet werden. Auch heute müssen viele Roma*, Sinti*, Schwarze, muslimisch gelesene, queere Communities und People of Color, insbesondere Frauen, tagtäglich Mut und Widerstandskraft beweisen, um gegen das System der Unterdrückung anzukämpfen. Vor allem für Menschen mit Erfahrung von intersektionaler Diskriminierung ist der Kampf für ihre Selbstbestimmung und ihr Dasein fortwährend. In der zweiten Phase untersucht die Biennale verschiedene Perspektiven des Widerstands und der Resilienz.




Resistance Day

#Resistance & Resilience

On 16th May, we remember the uprising of the Romani people in the so-called “Gypsy Family Camp” of Auschwitz-Birkenau and celebrate their strength to resist the Nazi regime - despite the seemingly hopeless conditions and exhaustion. On 16th May 1944, the SS decided to close the camp and murder all inmates in gas chambers. But the inmates seized improvised weapons and barricaded themselves in their barracks. The SS, presumably fearing a mass uprising throughout the concentration camp, called off the operation. A few weeks later, about 3,000 strong men and women were transported to other camps before another attempt was made to “liquidate” the camp on 2nd August 1944. Thanks to this unique act of resistance, many lives were saved. Even today, many Roma, Black, Muslim, queer communities and People of Colour, especially women, have to show courage and resilience every day to fight against the system of oppression. Especially for people who experience intersectional discrimination, the struggle for their self-determination and existence is ongoing. In the second phase, the Biennale explores different perspectives of resistance and resilience.


Kampagne: https://roma-biennale.com/kampagne/

Artist on Biennale: https://roma-biennale.com/artists/kalman-varady-2/

Programm: https://roma-biennale.com/programm/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RomaBiennale

Kálmán Várady auf der Roma Biennale 2021 - Ausschnitte aus der Serie Gypsy Warriors

Gypsy Warrior

Assemblage 75 x 40 cm


Gypsy Warrior

Assemblage 65 x 35 cm

London-Berlin: World Roma Congress. 50th Anniversary Exhibition - 8th April 2021

About World Roma Congress






On the 8th of April 2021 we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the groundbreaking 1st World Romany Congress which took place in London in 1971 and which has been a milestone of the International Romany Movement. Arts and Culture have been a strong inspiration for the political movement of Sinti and Roma and continue to play an essential role as a form of civic expression as well as a strategy of emancipation and cultural resistance.

This exhibition is curated by Beverley Carpenter (Oblique Arts, UK) and Mortiz Pankok (Stiftung Kai Dikhas). It was planned as a physical exhibition at the 198 Gallery and Contemporary Learning space in South London. We anticipate that this show will take place later in the year.

Due to Covid-19 visitors are able, now, to view five online galleries: -The curator’s selection includes sculptures, paintings, drawings and photography from Damian Le Bas, Imrich Tomáš, Gérard Gartner and other artists who have produced iconic works. -The Commissioned Artworks gallery shows works that were selected by a jury from Europe wide applications. Klára Lakatos, George Vasilsescu, Kálmán Várady and 7 further artist’s work. Jurers: Beverley Carpenter, Moritz Pankok, Isaac Blake (Romani Cultural and Arts Company) and Miguel Angel Vargas (ERIAC).

-The Archive Gallery introduces viewers to Melanie Spitta, filmmaker and important historical figures in Roma history. -The Artist’s Gallery contains work from Bogumila Delimata, from Poland and József Ferkovics from Hungary, among others. -Finally there is an Educational Gallery where there is work from organisations such as the BUDAÖRSI TANODA Foundation in Budapest.



Institution: https://worldromacongressart.com/

Artist: https://worldromacongressart.com/commissioned-artist/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanRomaInstituteERIAC/


Kálmán Várady at Worlds Roma Congress. - Ausschnitte aus der Serie Fleischerblock

About Kálmán Várady:

The artist creates a group of six Fleischerblocks in the body of which human artificial skeletal fragments are incorporated. These are covered with an earth-colored pebbled plaster layer and are hidden.

A Karligram will be created, a reminder against persecution – exclusion – discrimination and murder of Sinti and Roma. After an associated performance, the butcher’s blocks are covered with a layer of gold leaf.



Projekt: Begrenzt - Entgrenzt




Polymentvergoldung auf Holz

Grand Award Eriac 2020 Berlin

60 x 40 x 40 x 75 cm

Krakau European Roma Holocaust Memorial Day - July to August 2019

Skulpturenpark im Katharinenhof von TheRhineArt

10.06.2018 - 19.09.2018
Gastgeber Anne und Konrad Beikircher


La familigia

Skulpturengruppe Kauri Muscheln auf pigmentiertem PVC

170 x 150 cm (hxb)

Kálmán Várady at "TheRhineArt"


The newest ERIAC exhibition “The Roma Spring: Art as Resistance” presents a selection of artworks of visionary Roma artists from across Europe, taking stock of the current moment in time, in which Roma arts, culture, scholarship and political activism merge, interact and reinforce each other mutually. In the fields of arts and culture most visibly,
but also in the academia, civil and political circles, we are witnessing an awakening among Roma – an interlude to full flourishment and development of Romani talent and potential, dormant within the confines of the Roma community.


In the context of this exhibition, Roma Spring is the process through which Roma individuals and entire communities amass self-awareness to celebrate the beauty and richness of the Romani diaspora. It is the process of rebirth and re-making of an ethnic pride, rooted in Roma history, identity and culture. It is the awakened vitality of Roma who re-claim
a socially stigmatized identity, re-appropriating it through cultural affirmation. The Roma Spring represents a period of critical consciousness, new militancy and assertiveness as a stage towards self-liberation and self-determination.


But Roma Spring is not only about finding the energy to sprout through the hardened soil of the environment towards re-birth and re-affirmation.
Like the “Spring of the Nations” (1848) or the “Arab Spring” (2010), the Roma Spring erupts in the face of the oppression. From within the Roma households and families, from within the Roma collectivity, a wave of peaceful resistance emerges, in protest of centuries of injustice, discrimination and mistreatment. The Roma Spring manifests itself through reclaiming of the public – its spaces and discourses – and re-taking of the political.
In this process, those on the margins speak back to the mainstream center, demanding a recognition of Roma belonging.
The Roma Spring is inevitably a period of social and political confrontation, of seeking historical justice and the parallel process of intellectual decolonization.


The Roma Spring represents the birth of awareness of the power resting within the Roma communities, discovering the potential of the assembly, its performative character, and the significance of individual and collective acts of resistance. This process announces the inevitable emergence of a critical mass – and a collective critical consciousness – among Roma as the embodiment of resistance to inequality and injustice.

The Roma Spring – as Resistance – blooms most visibly in the field of the arts, giving expression to the disagreement and tension boiling within the Roma communities. The Arts becomes a space of contention, confrontation and negotiation,
in which the oppressive reality can be challenged and a new social order can be imagined.



Daniel Baker, Krzysztof Gil, Gabi Jimenez, Sead Kazanxhiu, Delaine Le Bas, Damian Le Bas,
Malgorzata Mirga-Tas, Emilia Rigova, Marina Rosselle, Ceija Stojka, Kalman Varady, Erika Varga


Curated by: Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka


Organized with the support of Gallery Kai Dikhas





May 16th 2018 – August 2nd 2018



On the occasion of the celebration of Roma Resistance Day (May 16th), ERIAC invites you to the opening
of its new exhibition.


22nd of May 2018 at 6pm

ERIAC – Art Space, 10117 Berlin, Reinhardtstr. 41-43


 Link: https://eriac.org/roma-spring-art-as-resistance/


Kálmán Várady at "The Roma Spring - Art as Resistance"

La familiglia


Sterlingsilber auf Polyester und Gips

120 x 90 cm (txb)

Gypsy Warrior

Assemblage auf PVC

190 x 100 x 500 cm

Ohne Titel

Polymentvergoldung auf Holz

35 x 20 cm